Definition of Chiropractic

The chiropractic profession bases itself on the premise that the human body has an inherent capacity to maintain its health. This phenomenon, known as homeostasis, is what allows us to preserve an inner equilibrium while being resistant to outside stress. Chiropractic utilises the intimate relationship between the central nervous system and the spinal column by performing spinal adjustments.

Chiropractic Care

The chiropractor’s main tool is spinal adjustment. It is a precise manipulation of the vertebral column, allowing the optimisation of the neuro-muscular-skeletal system.
Since the central nervous system controls most bodily functions, as it extends into the spinal column, the re-establishment of an ideal movement between the vertebrae will allow for an efficient regulation for our health.
Lastly, chiropractors can perform manipulations on other joints in the body to undertake relief, corrective or maintenance care.



All those wishing to improve their overall health and thus benefit from a better quality of life can profit from chiropractic care.

Pour qui?
To reduce the stress following the delivery with a delicate approach.
Children and teenagers
To ensure proper physical development and verify posture.
To optimise neuro-vertebral health.
To prevent injuries, and maximise athletic performance.
To improve overall quality of life.
Pour quoi?


Did you know that it isn’t necessary to be in pain to consult a chiropractor? Although it is well known that chiropractic care can provide relief from headaches, back pain and many other muscular-skeletal disorders, chiropractic care has a much larger goal in mind; the maintenance of health both on a physical and psychological level. If this approach interests you, it will be our pleasure to meet you!